PTED-COSMO and PTED-PE for excitation energies with CC2
CC3 singlet excitation energies (for a closed-shell Hartree-Fock reference)
Density Functional Embedding Theory (DFET)
Partitioning of the system into active and environment subsystems
Account for environmental effects via DFT-based embedding potential
Frozen Density Embedding (FDE) or Projection-based Embeddig (PbE)
Freeze and Thaw method available
Molecular DFT embedded in periodic DFT
Periodic-in-Periodic embedding
Wave function methods (MP2, CCSD(T), …) embedded in DFT
Excitation energies using Wave Function Theory (e.g. CC2) embedded in DFT
Extension to Real-Time Time Dependent Density Functional Theory (RT-TDDFT) embedded in DFT
Basis set gradients with respect to contraction coefficients in DFT
Mössbauer contact densities and effective contact densities with relativistic effects and HF/DFT/RPA/MP2/CC2 arXiv 2407.21727
Scalar-relativistic and non-relativistic EPR hyperfine couplings in post-HF and post-KS approaches DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.4c03794)
Modified SNSO parameters of the Li group (UW): universal and row-dependent Dirac-Coulomb/Dirac-Coulomb-Breit approaches DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.3c00479
Low-scaling DLU-X2C approach, modified DLU(NB), for all relativistic implementations (Energies, Gradients, NMR, EPR, etc.)
Introduced the Gaussian charge model for COSMO for vdW cavities with Lebedev grids, leading to fully consistent geometry gradients and Hessians DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.4c00052
GOSTSHYP for high pressure simulations, fully consistent analytical gradients and excited states with HF/DFT
Berry curvature and Berry charges for calculations in finite magnetic fields with HF/DFT
Berry curvature induced by relativistic effects (X2C) with HF
Single-Hessian thawed Gaussian approximation for simulating anharmonic vibronic spectra DOI:10.1021/acs.jctc.2c00030
Non-linear response from the Bethe-Salpeter equation for two-photon absorption and hyperpolarizabilities. (escf)
Complex response ($damped_response) for non linear-response within TD-DFT and BSE. (escf)
Calculation of linear (electric and magnetic parts) and non-linear (electric parts) T-matrices for optical excitations for cutting edge multiscale light-matter simulations. (escf)
Calculation of linear (electric and magnetic parts) T-matrices and polarizabilities for vibrational excitations. (aoforce, NumForce)
New class of highly advanced density functional approximations based on general Fermion interactions: CHYF. Best in class performance for TD-DFT, NMR and other properties paired with excellent numerical stability. (all modules)
Multicomponent DFT (keyword $mcdft) allowing to treat another fermion (e.g. protons, muons, positrons …) Type of Fermion is arbitrary, relativistic corrections available for any Fermion. (ridft)
Multicomponent RPA and GW framework; i.e. you can calculate the correlation and binding energies of another fermion to an electronic system. (escf)
Initial multicomponent time-dependent DFT implementation to calculate light-matter interactions of other fermions in an electronic system. (escf)
Spin-orbit coupling matrix elements (SOCMEs) for TD-DFT and BSE between ground and excited states, as well as between excited states. (proper)
Efficiency and user friendliness:
Technical improvement in ricc2 & ccsdf12:
redesigned non-linear eigenvalue solver for ADC(2), CC2, and CC3
Add estimated Fermi-contact term based on density at nuclei only in X2C
Improved approximate screening for calculations in strong magnetic fields DOI: 10.1063/5.0217246
Options for external magnetic fields in the define program
Bump LibXC to version 6.2.2.
Improved user experience for LibXC: Functionals can now be called using their number OR their name.
DFT 3rd derivatives have been re-implemented with large gains in efficiency.
Improvements to overall performance of senex. Use screening more efficiently.
Improved GPU performance for GW and especially BSE, including multi-GPU support for the latter.
Added basis sets (orbital and auxiliary) for quantum protons (def2-TZVPP-mc, def2-QZVPP-mc) for excellent performance within the new multicomponent DFT methods.
Added adaptive integration grids for multicomponent DFT.
New option for full incore RI-K TD-DFT calculations, speeding up cases where all intermediates fit into memory.
$rigw variants are more robust when treating degenerate orbitals, leading to less symmetry breaking.
Added additional options for TD-DFT NTO generation in proper.
DFT-D4 gradients for dummy atoms fixed
Generation of start orbitals using superposition of atomic densities now works for all supported point group symmetries
define crash in ricc2 section of the general menu fixed
corrected print out of self-consistent VV10 dispersion total energies
dispersion parameters corrected for wB97X-D3
large ricc2 jobs using the MPI parallelization on multiple nodes failed with MPI tag error, fixed
fix NaN result for COSMO outlying charge correction in some special cases