Release Notes

Release Notes TURBOMOLE 7.9

New features

  • ricc2:
    • PTED-COSMO and PTED-PE for excitation energies with CC2
  • ccsdf12:
    • CC3 singlet excitation energies (for a closed-shell Hartree-Fock reference)
  • Density Functional Embedding Theory (DFET)
    • Partitioning of the system into active and environment subsystems
    • Account for environmental effects via DFT-based embedding potential
    • Frozen Density Embedding (FDE) or Projection-based Embeddig (PbE)
    • Freeze and Thaw method available
    • Molecular DFT embedded in periodic DFT
    • Periodic-in-Periodic embedding
    • Wave function methods (MP2, CCSD(T), …) embedded in DFT
    • Excitation energies using Wave Function Theory (e.g. CC2) embedded in DFT
    • Extension to Real-Time Time Dependent Density Functional Theory
      (RT-TDDFT) embedded in DFT
  • Basis set gradients with respect to contraction coefficients in DFT
  • Mössbauer contact densities and effective contact densities with relativistic effects and HF/DFT/RPA/MP2/CC2 arXiv 2407.21727
  • Scalar-relativistic and non-relativistic EPR hyperfine couplings in post-HF and post-KS approaches DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.4c03794)
  • Modified SNSO parameters of the Li group (UW): universal and row-dependent Dirac-Coulomb/Dirac-Coulomb-Breit approaches DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.3c00479
  • Low-scaling DLU-X2C approach, modified DLU(NB), for all relativistic implementations (Energies, Gradients, NMR, EPR, etc.)
  • Introduced the Gaussian charge model for COSMO for vdW cavities with Lebedev grids, leading to fully consistent geometry gradients and Hessians DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.4c00052
  • GOSTSHYP for high pressure simulations, fully consistent analytical gradients and excited states with HF/DFT
  • Berry curvature and Berry charges for calculations in finite magnetic fields with HF/DFT
  • Berry curvature induced by relativistic effects (X2C) with HF
  • Single-Hessian thawed Gaussian approximation for simulating anharmonic vibronic spectra DOI:10.1021/acs.jctc.2c00030
  • Non-linear response from the Bethe-Salpeter equation for two-photon absorption and hyperpolarizabilities. (escf)
  • Complex response ($damped_response) for non linear-response within TD-DFT and BSE. (escf)
  • Calculation of linear (electric and magnetic parts) and non-linear (electric parts) T-matrices for optical excitations for cutting edge multiscale light-matter simulations. (escf)
  • Calculation of linear (electric and magnetic parts) T-matrices and polarizabilities for vibrational excitations. (aoforce, NumForce)
  • New class of highly advanced density functional approximations based on general Fermion interactions: CHYF. Best in class performance for TD-DFT, NMR and other properties paired with excellent numerical stability. (all modules)
  • Multicomponent DFT (keyword $mcdft) allowing to treat another fermion (e.g. protons, muons, positrons …) Type of Fermion is arbitrary, relativistic corrections available for any Fermion. (ridft)
  • Multicomponent RPA and GW framework; i.e. you can calculate the correlation and binding energies of another fermion to an electronic system. (escf)
  • Initial multicomponent time-dependent DFT implementation to calculate light-matter interactions of other fermions in an electronic system. (escf)
  • Spin-orbit coupling matrix elements (SOCMEs) for TD-DFT and BSE between ground and excited states, as well as between excited states. (proper)


Efficiency and user friendliness:

  • Technical improvement in ricc2 & ccsdf12:
    • redesigned non-linear eigenvalue solver for ADC(2), CC2, and CC3
  • Enable all user-options for X2C arXiv 2407.21727
  • Added Dyall basis sets of 3d elements and s block elements DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7606547
  • Automatically assign x2c-universal jbas for all all-electron relativistic basis sets
  • Full support of initial guess from superposition of atomic densities in riper DOI: 10.1063/5.0209704
  • Added new local hybrid functionals LHJ-HFcal, TMHF, TMHF-3P, CHYF to TMoleX
  • Added more finite nucleus parameters for comparison with other programs arXiv 2407.21727
  • Added subenergies for local hybrid functionals to output
  • Plot of current density in 2c energy calculations DOI: 10.1063/5.0209704
  • Add estimated Fermi-contact term based on density at nuclei only in X2C
  • Improved approximate screening for calculations in strong magnetic fields DOI: 10.1063/5.0217246
  • Options for external magnetic fields in the define program
  • Bump LibXC to version 6.2.2.
  • Improved user experience for LibXC: Functionals can now be called using their number OR their name.
  • DFT 3rd derivatives have been re-implemented with large gains in efficiency.
  • Improvements to overall performance of senex. Use screening more efficiently.
  • Improved GPU performance for GW and especially BSE, including multi-GPU support for the latter.
  • Added basis sets (orbital and auxiliary) for quantum protons (def2-TZVPP-mc, def2-QZVPP-mc) for excellent performance within the new multicomponent DFT methods.
  • Added adaptive integration grids for multicomponent DFT.
  • New option for full incore RI-K TD-DFT calculations, speeding up cases where all intermediates fit into memory.
  • $rigw variants are more robust when treating degenerate orbitals, leading to less symmetry breaking.
  • Added additional options for TD-DFT NTO generation in proper.


  • DFT-D4 gradients for dummy atoms fixed
  • Generation of start orbitals using superposition of atomic densities now works for all supported point group symmetries
  • define crash in ricc2 section of the general menu fixed
  • corrected print out of self-consistent VV10 dispersion total energies
  • dispersion parameters corrected for wB97X-D3
  • large ricc2 jobs using the MPI parallelization on multiple nodes failed with MPI tag error, fixed
  • fix NaN result for COSMO outlying charge correction in some special cases